The library/media program at Hungerford Elementary represents a combination of resources which include people, service, materials, and facilities.
The Media Center hours are 8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Check-out Policies
Items may be checked out for one week.
1st Grade: 1 book at a time (if possible, book should remain at school)
Grades 2 through 5: 2 books at a time.
Number of books checked out is at the discretion of the Media Specialist based on borrower’s return record.
If a book is overdue, a student may not check out a new book until the overdue book is returned or paid for.
There are no daily fines for overdue books however students will need to pay for lost or damaged books.
Media Specialist: Tammi Young
407-623-1430 x3412227