
Parents and Guardians can help their child succeed by working on reading and math skills at home.


  • Read picture books  to your child. Ask reading comprehension questions.

    • Before Reading Questions: What do you think this book is about? Do you think the story will be real or make believe?

    • During Reading Questions: What do you think is going to happen? How do you think it is going to end? How does the main character feel?

    • After Reading Questions: Did you like this book? Why did you like or not like this book?  What is your favorite character? What did you like about them? Can you tell me the story in your own words? 

  • Practice sight words. Print the sight words in a notebook or composition book.

  • Use your Virtual Library Card to read e-books at

    • Login with your Student ID number and PIN (student birthdate: YYYYMMDD)


  • Count aloud from 1-30 and 1-100

  • Print numbers from 1-30

  • Identify numbers from 1-20

  • Practice adding and subtracting numbers to 10


    Mrs. Breen & Ms. Wright